
We're the Kochs (pronounced like Cook!), a military family living the amazing dream of being stationed in Germany for four years. We are taking advantage of travelling and exploring Europe together, and this blog is our way of sharing our experiences with family and friends.

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Sunday, May 1, 2016

spring in germany

Guten tag, friends!  I've been MIA for a while, I know.  I haven't had the writing bug in quite some time, and unfortunately I've let our blog fall to the wayside.  Winters here are hard on me--not for the cold but for the lack of sunshine--but with all these sunny days lately I've been needing to write.  So here I am.  I hope yall can forgive me and join me here again in this familiar place that I love.  

Rich has spent a lot of time on work trips over the last few weeks.  I like that he gets to see new places on some of them, and I am also a bit jealous that he's seen countries that I haven't yet been to!  He's also been taking college classes through the University of Nebraska-Omaha since September.  Because of these two things, we haven't traveled together much in a while.  

Spring has really sprung in Germany and that means many things to those of us that call it our (temporary) home!  It means sneezing, slightly warmer weather with some blue skies, and beautiful scenery full of promise and bloom.

The beautiful, sunny days are my favorite thing.  Everything just looks happier.  My friend, Nicole, and I spent an afternoon this past week soaking in some sunshine with our cameras.  I love that she and I are both creative people who share a love of photography!  

I've been wanting to stop off at one of the many nearby rapeseed fields and get up close and personal with those bright yellow blooms that dominate the German landscape during the warmer months.  Rapeseed is used to make cooking oil and biodiesel fuel, and besides Germany it is also grown in China, Canada, India, and other European countries.

Finally, I got my chance to check it out, but it was a very windy and coldddd day.  I wasn't sure how these shots would turn out, but I was pleasantly surprised when I took a look.  

Later in the afternoon, I stopped by a local tulip field and spent some time in those muddy rows.  You can borrow one of the provided knives and cut your own tulips, then drop 0,45€ per flower into the lockbox on the honor system.  I love having fresh tulips around the house!

On this particular day, though--April 26--I only cut one white tulip because I had one more stop to make before heading home.  It was that day that marked a year since Rich and I found out we were expecting, and so I paid a visit to the Sudfriedhof where our little one is laid to rest.

To be honest, I was wary about going to the cemetery alone.  But this visit was different than all the ones before.  As I sat talking to our baby while the sunbeams moved lower through the trees, I was filled with peace and calm.  I know I will always grieve this child, but I'm beginning to feel myself healing.  I grabbed my camera and hung out a while longer in the Sternengarten...

Such a beautiful world we live in.

I hope you've enjoyed these photos!  Thank you for reading and spending a little time with us today.  I promise not to let so much time pass before we meet again!

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